Sea Devil

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In 1956 a body of a sea devil was stuffed  and processed by the museum texidermis V. Sokolov.

There is 13 species of Sea Devils know worldwide. One can be found in the territorial waters of Georgia- the Lophius (lophius piscatorius).

The length of a Sea Devil is 150 cm, weight- 20 kg. It is a predator, it feeds on small  and larger fish and spends almost all of its whole life on the lower sea level.The Sea Devil produces around 1.3-3 million spawn offspring. The fish ,despite its horrid appearance is not dangerous ,though keep in mind  it does have sharp teeth.The Sea Devil is very useful fsh as it’s used for it insulin creation .As a food , it has delicious meat and is quite popular in restaurants, rather raw or smoked.
